Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sigma Chi Balfour Leadership Training Workshop 2008

I had the opportunity again this year to take a long weekend and serve as a financial management faculty member for BLTW. It really is amazing the experiences and resources that are available to our undergraduate members. I can only hope that our undergraduates realize what a tremendous opportunity they have and recruit using some of these opportunities as selling points.

This was the best workshop that I've had since I was there as an undergraduate. The group of young men who were in my discussion group were all very passionate and committed to improving the financial state of their chapters. We spent a good amount of time talking about how to lead the chapter to create a culture of accountability as well as spent time discussing the nuts and bolts of their office including the pros and cons of the tools that are available to them.

If this group of young men represents the quality of individuals whom we are admiting to our order I have a lot of confidence in a bright future for our organization. My Sigma Chi batteries are officially recharged!!!

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