Monday, October 30, 2006


The dogs got costumes this year. Superman was a great costume, Kai didn't put up with the helmet for very long though.

Friday, October 27, 2006


As has been reported on many national news channels Denver got a big early season snowstorm. Here is a picture of my back deck yesterday. I think that I got about 10-12" out there. Today it's about 60 degrees in town so it's melting fast here, but hopefully that snow is sticking in the mountains and will give us a good base for the ski season.

Garden of the Gods & Red Rocks

Lauren's Mom and her boyfriend Bob visited this past weekend. It was a good opportunity to spend some time with family and gave us an excuse to go see some of the sites around Colorado. A couple of the highlights for our sight seeing are captured in pictures above first from the Garden of the Gods park and second from the Red Rocks concert venue. Every time I head out to these places I'm reminded of what a beautiful place Colorado is to live and how lucky I am to be able to reside here.

Homecoming 2006

I headed back to Bozeman, MT the weekend of 10/6 for the Montana State University homecoming game. It was a great opportunity to be able to get back into town and see friends from college, although I'm definitely starting to get too old for these types of weekends. It was fun to visit the bookstore and get some Cats gear which I was able to wear it to the game they won! When I was in school hardly anybody went to these games, now the student section is packed. It's good to see that the football team is getting the support of the students. It was also great to see the fraternity house where I lived although when you go back it's never quite the same as when you lived there. I'll certainly always remember those college years as some of the best times of my life.