Tuesday, September 16, 2008


After our day hiking we thought we would relax on Saturday at our hotel in Raito. We thought we would spend this day by the pool, but the weather did not cooperate. With breakfast in our stomachs we headed back to the room and started organizing for the day. We noticed that it was getting pretty dark outside the window and difficult to see. Pretty soon you couldn’t see more then about 50 feet out the window and the wind was blowing so hard that the door to our balcony was pushed back off the seal and water started coming in under the door from the rain. We stuck a towel down there and went back to looking out the window as branches went flying by. When we saw the chair from the deck two stories down go flying by UP the hill we thought maybe we should get away from the window. About this time the alarm in the hotel went off and we headed out to the stairwell where there were no windows. Once we were in the stairwell the storm had passed but it was a pretty exciting few minutes. Luckily everybody was ok, but the hotel suffered a fair amount of damage. A couple of large picture windows were broken and every one of their glass table tops were smashed along with a few of the large patio umbrellas. We spent most of the day just hanging out in the room and on our balcony, although we did make a trip up to the spa (hot tub type pool, but with cooler water, sauna, steam room).

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